
Management Plan for Organic Tea Plantation


During production and management of tea plantation, it is suggested to strengthen the pest and disease monitoring based on habitat and physical regulation and to control the pest and disease mainly by means of biological measures; the organic fertilizers and microbial organic fertilizers will be utilized for supplying nutrient to the tea trees and improving physical and chemical properties of the soil to improve the yield and quality of tea leaves. Based on harvesting, trimming and protecting beneficial living things in the tea plantation, the pests in the organic tea plantation will be controlled by appropriately using pest killing lamp and colored pest killing board, as well as targeted applying botanical pesticides, mineral pesticides and microbial pesticides. Specific management program will be as follows:

1. Period of spring tea (March to April)

Spring is the major harvest season for tea, however the initiation of pest and disease of tea (i.e. aphid, spiny white fly, brown round spot of tea and colletotorichum gloeosporioides). For that purpose, tea leaves with pests and diseases can be removed through harvesting in multiple batches and times. Trees shall be trimmed immediately upon harvest to remove branches of pest and disease, mean time supplemented with biological pesticides sprayed for prevention and curing. For curing aphid and spiny white fly, generally apply 0.3% azadirachtin emulsifiable concentrate 600 times solution with azadirachta oil 600-800 times solution once per 10 days; for curing collectotorichum gloeosporioides, spray Cu(OH)2 or bordeaux mixture at least 20 days before harvesting, however those solutions cannot be mixed with azadirachtin; number of applications shall be varied upon how seriously the pest and disease are.  Before harvesting spring tea leaves in early or medium March, apply Jinlian organic fertilizer for 400-500kg/mu in a 20-30cm deep ditch thereby trenched below perimeter of the tree crown, then recover the ditch.

2. Period of summer tea (May to July)

Followed by spring period, as the climate warms up, empoasca pirisuga matumura, ectropis oblique hypulina wehrli, euproctis pseudoconspersa strand, spiny white fly, colletotorichum gloeosporioides, exobasidium vexans and tea brown blight come to a peak period. During the period, the first peak period of empoasca pirisuga matumura occurred, which can be cured by spraying 0.3% azadirachtin emulsifiable concentrate 600 times solution or tea saponin in early May, and for curing ectropis oblique hypulina wehrli, euproctis pseudoconspersa strand and spiny white fly, spray 0.3% azadirachtin emulsifiable concentrate 600 times solution with azadirachta oil 600-800 times solution or Bt or matrine and other biological pesticides once per 7-10 days and 2-3 times continuously; meanwhile, suspend 30-40 pieces of yellow pest killing board per mu for killing the pests; for curing collectotorichum gloeosporioides and exobasidium vexans spray Cu(OH)2 or Bordeaux mixture; number of applications shall be varied upon how serious the pest and disease are. During early and late May, apply Yizhisheng compound microbial agent 150-200 times solution for irrigating, to facilitate the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and

3. Period of autumn tea (August to October)

During autumn, pests and diseases such as empoasca pirisuga matumura, ectropis oblique hypulina wehrli, euproctis pseudoconspersa strand, scirtothrips dorsalis, exobasidium vexans and tea brown blight are also serious, also empoasca pirisuga matumura comes to the second peak period, to that point the pest shall be particularly dealt with and prevention and curing shall be the same as the summer period. However, the number of application varies upon how serious the pests and diseases are. The peak period of development of root system comes in early October and early November, which requires applying Yizhisheng biological organic fertilizer for 400-500kg/mu in a 20-30cm deep ditch thereby trenched below perimeter of the tree crown and then watering and recovering, to ensure the supplying of fertilizer necessary for the development of tea trees and improve both the yield and quality.

4. Dormant period (November to February of the next year)

This period is the wintering period for various pest eggs and pathogenies. Tea trees shall be properly trimmed according to the local conditions, deadwoods and fallen leaves caused by pests and diseases shall be timely removed, centralized and thereby disposed; during late November and late September, apply azadirachta oil 800-1000 times solution combining with mineral oil and lime sulfur for cleaning. When conduct spraying, keep tea bushes and leaves, but also weeds on the ground and branches within the perimeter of tree crown sprayed from up and down to ensure a complete coverage and improved prevention and curing result.

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