CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

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Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd., a joint stock enterprise, is established by China Baoan Group Co., Ltd. (stock symbol: 000009) through issuance of new shares to increase the investment and mergers and acquisitions of Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., having registered capital of 41.660244 million yuan. In December 2013, the company acquired and wholly owned Guoke Zhongnong (Beijing) Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Guoke Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. to finish the complete bioindustry frame of biological pesticides and biological fertilizers.

Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise integrating neem planting, research and development, production and selling (incl. biological pesticides, organic fertilizers, biological agent and biological bacterial fertilizer, etc.), having 5 subsidiaries incl. Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology Marketing Co., Ltd., Sichuan Panxi Neem Planting Co., Ltd., Sichuan Guoke Zhongnong Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. and Guoke Zhongnong (Beijing) Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. Depending on universities such as South China Agricultural University and Huazhong Agricultural University with rich teaching forces and excellent professionals, the company owns a neem project expert group composed of Prof. Xu Hanhong, the Director of Insect Toxicology Research Center of South China Agricultural University, and Jie Peihui, the Researcher and senior expert of neem planting; the company possesses a microbial agent R&D expert group led by Jiang Ruibo, Principal Investigator of Microbiology Discipline of Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Cui Zongjun, Visiting Professor of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the University of Tokyo; the company has neem growing and breeding bases in Panxi region; the company has advanced equipment for the extraction of azadirachtin and the preparation of biological pesticides and has the production capability of organic fertilizer, water-soluble foliar fertilizer, emulsifiable concentrate and microemulsion; the company owns a microbial inoculant R& D laboratory building as well as a high standard digitalized bacterium liquid production and implant line with high starting point; the company has a batch of latest agricultural sci-tech results, independent intellectual properties and a professional technical service team of plant protection with high education, young age and strong sci-tech development capabilities.

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