CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Group leader to Chengdu Greengold research to guide the work


On October 27 to 28, 2016, the group leader line 6 people come to my company research to guide the work. Baoan group operating board, utive director and CEO Chen ping in the research work made important speeches. Accompanying group department heads and green high tube attended research conferences.


Research conference, first by the chengdu green gold Huang Geng will summarize and report in 2016, general manager of work, assistant general manager liu yan to report a new three board listed on schedule. Group performance department, human resources and business administration department manager delivered speeches, communication plan for the future development are discussed. Group total after the briefing, Chen ping to green jinjin years in biological pesticide and fertilizer project achievements gave full affirmation, at the same time to the company's future in management planning, project acquisition, financing, human resources are given clear guidance. Group company guidance and Suggestions for me, for the sustainable development of green gold adds a powerful boost.



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