CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

The people from various circles of Naxi District CPPCC organizations of Luzhou City Personnel investigation company subordinate units


May 24, 2017, Luzhou City Naxi District CPPCC organization  invited experts of farming industry, and special experts and so on more than 30 people to  company subordinate units in Sichuan Guoke ZhongNong bio-technology  Co., Ltd. to conduct research,to learn from the  successful experience  and practice of which  soil improvement and  increasing  the supply of green organic agricultural products.Research seminar, the Sichuan Guoke Chairman Li Hao to introduce the company's development and related technology, Meiling special tea group Co., Ltd. General Manager Yan Honggui publicity had introduced the application effect of Sichuan Guoke distiller's bio-organic fertilizer demonstration.



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