CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Tacheng Prefecture Government Delegation Arrive in Chengdu Green Gold to Conduct Investigation and Inspect


On September 16th2017, the Deputy Secretary General Chen Changbin, the Head ofMerchants Group Ding Jiaosheng of Tacheng Prefecture as well as the Standing Memberof Tacheng Municipal Party Committee andDeputy mayor Fu Guisheng and the Deputy Secretary of Emin County PartyCommittee Zhang Chengliang and other 5 people arrived in our Qiong Laiproduction center to conduct investigation and inspect, accompanied by thePresident and General Manager Huang Geng and the Vice-President Li Hao.


The investigated areas were the production center and thequality inspection center. The General Manager of the production center ZhangYong introduced the management of production site, quality assurance and theperformance of production line. He also replied to the concerns of all the leaders.


     On the investigation symposium, the President Huang Gengaddressed warm welcome speech, the General Manager of the production centerZhang Yong introduced the development of the company, and the vice-President LiHao introduced the status quo and future anticipation of the bio-organicfertilizer. Both sides have been engaged in active discussion. The leaderssufficiently approved the development mode and production technology of ourcompany and invited us to visit Tacheng and conduct investigation so as torealize further communication and cooperation and the win-win result of localgovernment and enterprises.


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