CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Sichuan Panxi Neem Planting Co., Ltd.


The company was established in 2003, with registered capital of 1 million yuan. Panxi neem planting base in Panzhihua is 8000mu with forest rights. The base also cooperates with Sichuan Yangtze River Afforestation Bureau to jointly build a natural green barrier of the upper reaches of Yangtze River, and it is the most authoritative neem planting and breeding base in China as well as the ecological community demonstration base of animals and plants, the learning and practicing base of Ph.D. students of South China Agricultural University, the ecological research center of application of dry and hot valley of Panzhihua and the research center of medicine sources of dry and hot valley plants of Jinsha River in Panxi.

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