CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Strategic projects


Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd., a comprehensive management company taking agricultural health as a platform, consists of 3 industrial entities incl. Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. mainly producing and marketing of biological pesticides, Sichuan Guoke Zhongnong Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. mainly producing and marketing of biological fertilizers and Nanxi Guoke Zhongnong Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. mainly producing and marketing of raw materials of fodders or fertilizers such as vinasse. Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. mainly has domestic neem resources, and a strategic cooperative relationship with the international leading enterprise PARRYS from India of neem industry to develop widely recognized biological pesticides containing azadirachtin globally.

Recently, the company has planned and determined to develop green and safe products containing azadirachtin adapting to Chinese home flower & gardening market, with reference to PARRYS’s marketing experience on the development and application of home flower & gardening market in USA.

In 2016, the company plans to launch a pet care product with brand of YZT. In 2008, the company cooperated with China Agricultural University and carried out several university-industry collaborations with Sichuan Agricultural University to get great results by use of resource advantages. It was researched that neem extracts had very obvious control effect of mites on the pets and also effectively repelled parasites on the pets.

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