CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Forestry Ministry

  1. Comprehensive plan, arrange,manage garden department.

  2. Develop annual marketingstrategy and marketing plan.

  3. Partnership coordination withinthe department and other departments.

  4. Direction, supervision, controlthe implementation of the work of the department.

  5. Develop and oversee theimplementation of public relations and promotional activities planned,scheduling annual, seasonal, monthly and special marketing planning.

  6. On the market for scientificprediction and analysis, and for the development, production and market to makepreparations.

  7. Develop and oversee theimplementation of market research plan.

  8. Formulate and supervise theimplementation of the new product launch plan.

  9. Budget management and implementationof the company to develop the sector Cost Budget

Job requirements:

  1. On marketing efforts have amore profound knowledge of floral products and home garden products market isvery familiar with;

  2. Able to take the bulk of thecompany's strategic planning and other matters;

  3. There is a strong marketawareness, keen grasp of market dynamics, the ability to market direction;

  4. Good physical condition, ableto work under high pressure environment, can travel for work

  5. Hard work, proactive, goodcommunication, coordination, organizational skills

  6. High degree of enthusiasm, goodteam spirit;

Bachelordegree or above, proficiency in office software, family flowers (pesticide


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