CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. 2016 Annual Shareholders & Board Meeting was successfully held


Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. (Chengdu Green Gold for short) held the 2016 Annual Shareholders and the Board Meeting in the conference room of MCC5 Tower in Jinjiang District of Chengdu on May 27, 2016.

The participants attended this conference are the shareholders from China Baoan Group Co., Ltd and WellFull Holding Group, the shareholder representative from the China Wenture Capital Co.,LTD, and top utives and staff representatives from Chengdu Green Gold, which included 18 people in total. The meeting was held by Huang Geng, the legal representative and general manager of Chengdu Green Gold.

The conference started with debriefing the 2015 work report of Ding Chengfeng, the deputy general manager of Chengdu Green Gold. The report compressively summarized the main jobs and achievements of 2015. The general manager Huang Geng reported the management outlines of 2016. The good manufacturing, the catching achievements as well as the promising development prospects of Chengdu Green Gold has won the approval of all the shareholders. Many proposals were discussed and passed in this conference. Through discussing and voting, all the shareholders eventually reached an agreement to each issue and subject and signed the meeting minutes at last.  

The success of this board and shareholders conference will motivate our company to promote value creation with the use of capital market, and contribute to the healthy and rapid development of the company, and gain more profits for the company and shareholders in return.  

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