CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Green Gold Hi-Tech LOGO update announcement


Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Techunits and departments

In order to further enhance the company's corporate imagebuild industry brands, enhance brand influence,the Baoan Group approved the Chengdu Green Gold Company to enable the new corporate LOGO,the original LOGO onlyused in product trademarkof Chengdu Green GoldBio-technology Company,Green Gold Hi-Tech departments external materials  and internal documents all unified use the new LOGO.Subordinate unit  under the Green gold hightech  please refer to the new LOGO of head office.

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Logo in company major sites such as official website , and product promotion, technical materials , employee cards and other will be replaced with the new version of LOGO,the specific progress was designed and updated by the company VI system arranged by the integrated department. From November 2016 to January 2017 for the transition period , the new logo and the old logo will be equally authenticduring the transition period.

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