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International Neem Conference was held in Kunming


The“2006 China·Kunming International Neem Conference”, organized by United NationsIndustrial Development Organization and government of Yunan province, was heldin Kunming during November 11-15, 2006, which was the first time for aworldwide Neem conference to be hosted in China.



Neem (Azadirachtaindica), a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceaei, is native to India and Burma,which is typically grown in dry and hot valley regions and is a thermophilicheat-resistant, drought-tolerant ecological and economic tree. In 1992, areport by U.S. National Academy of Sciences pointed out that “Neem, a tree forsolving global problems, one of the most promising of all plants, mayeventually benefit every person on the planet. This tree may usher in a new erain pest control.”


Mr.Dewar said: the main purpose of this conference is to discuss the achievementsand experiences of different countries in Neem implatation and development, andto publicize these successes so that the Neem products will be more widelyused, which will benefit more people.  

Thedirector of Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. and Neem specialist Xie peihuiwere invited to attend this international Neem conference. First, Mr. Xieshared the successful experience in planting Neem and grafting it with Azedarachand Sichuan Neem. He also gave a speech named “Inspirations for thecomprehensive utilization of Neem in agriculture”.


Everypart of Neem is precious and useful. Its seeds and leaves have long been widelyused as pesticide, medicine and personal care products et al. From 90s, Neemhas attracted worldwide attentions. The Azadirachtin, which is extracted from Neemseeds has been recognized as a non-toxic and pollution-free bio-insecticidearound the world. Also, it has been proven to have high insecticidal activitiesto various pest species, and efficient to kill a variety of nematodes and fungiby a large amount of researches. Furthermore, the pesticide made of Neem canheavily interrupt the pest metabolism, leading to death and prevent larvaematuration, reducing or interrupting mating process. It does no harm tobeneficial insects, and won’t induce drug-resistant by the pests. Additionally,it can be recycled and is innocuous to human and animals. With the developmentof society and the promotion of people’s material and spiritual life, the needfor high quality of environment and food is more and more perused.Specifically, since the demand for bio-pesticide is more and more is requiredby the organic food production and eco-agriculture construction, it will be aninevitable trend that the non-toxic bio-pesticide will generously replacechemical pesticides.


The UnitedNations Food Agriculture Organization, Consultative Group on InternationalAgricultural Research, International Neem Center and other organizations, relatedto agriculture, forestry, environment protection, and scientific institutionsfrom the countries where Neem is largely used, grown or possessed such as America,German, Britain, Australia, Canada, India and Burma, attended the conference. Meanwhile,the national and international companies of Neem production and management, theenterprises of extraction processing and machinery manufacturing for naturalplant active ingredients, the huge multinational firms, the financialenterprises as well as some famous companies participated into the conference.

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