CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

The International Communicational Conference of Neem Technology Application was held in Chengdu


Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co.,Ltd. solemnly held the 2014 International Communicational Conference of NeemTechnology Application in Chengdu Wangjiang International Hotel on September 13th,2014. The participants of this conference included Chenping, the CEO of ChinaBaoan Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Kothapalli, the CEO of India Parry company, and the neemspecialist, Professor Xu Hanhong, the leaders from the Institute for theControl of Agrochemicals, the specialists of botanical pesticides and the chiefexpert and costumer representatives of Lenovo Agriculture.


Tobegin with, the CEO Chengping of China Bao’an Group Co., Ltd. gave a speech tothe conference, which addressed China Bao’an Group Co., Ltd. would alwaysstrongly support the bio-industry development, and Bao’an appreciated for allthe help and supports from all walks of life.


Then,Yangjun, the director of Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, introducedChina’s situation of bio-pesticides development, registration and management.Then, he expressed several expectations for bio-pesticides’ development asfollows: there are both chances and challenges existing in the development ofbio-pesticides, so we are supposed to improve the registration policy, increasethe bio-pesticide subsidy, devote more to research and complete the inspectionsystem, advertise scientific use of bio-pesticides to the public, and strengthenthe supervision of the bio-pesticide market.


After that, theprofessor Xu Hanhong of South China Agricultural University gave a brief talkon the researches and application of Aazadirachtin in China. He did a lot ofresearch on neem from its implantation, development and application asbio-pesticides, to the current study on insecticidal mechanism at moleculelevel.


Next, Mr.Kothapalli,the CEO of 印度柏利公司presented a report of the Role of Neemazal® in Sustainable Agriculture, which introducedthe production, registration , sale, development and application in theworldwide in details. Also, he explained the practical examples of Neemapplication in the fields and its development in U.S. home gardening market.

Following,the professor Lifeng, from the Plant Protection Institute of Ningxia Academy ofAgriculture and Forestry Sciences, explicated very carefully how Azadirachtin0.3% Emulsifiable Concentrate and Neem Oil are applied to Ningxia Chinese wolfberry,and stressed the sustainable plant protection of Chinese wolfberry productionand advantages of combination with Neem. Also, he developed a pest control planfor organic Chinese wolfberry, which is primarily based on Aazadirachtin andachieved a success consequently.


Meanwhile,the participants Zhang fulong, Zhang xun and other specialists individuallypresented special reports about the technology related to Neem. In the end, thecustomer representatives from different companies communicated with each otherfor the experiences and issues on Neem application in different fields. Thisconference gathered international neem specialists and elites, which is the firstcommunicational conference of neem application technology in the field of plantoriginal bio-pesticides.

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