CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

India PARRY Subhash Kumar Jh visit briefing


From December 4 to 10, 2016, at the invitation of General Manager of the Company Mr. Huang Geng,the assistant general manager of PARRY company Subhash Kumar Jh,  of India visited Chengdu Green Gold High-tech Co., Ltd. a six-day visit and exchange, the two sides had a deep communication on the plant source pesticide azadirachtin development and application.


India  PARRY company in the plant source of pesticide azadirachtin research and market development and application has a strong strength, its azadirachtin related products, have been in the United States, Canada, European Union and other countries and regions register and market development;Chengdu Green Gold   in China Azadirachtin market development and application has also accumulated a wealth of experience, the two sides maintained a strategic partnership for more than 10 years,cooperation   for years in the market development of azadirachtin , together to promote   the  development of the azadirachtin in the Chinese market.


During his visit to China, Mr. Subhash Kumar Jha visited the application site of azadirachtin and carried out technical exchanges, hegave high recognition to the efforts made by Chengdu Green Gold in the development of azadirachtin in China. He gave high praise to the efforts made by Chengdu Green Gold in the development of azadirachtin in China. At the same time the two sides carried on the depth of communication in element further cooperation and market development has , other important consensus reached consensus.


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