CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

2016 annual summary and recognition conference


January 20, 2017, "Green Gold Hi-Tech 2016 annual summary and awards ceremony" was held in Chengdu Totem platinum elegant hotel meeting room on the 31st floor.

14:30 pm,  the General Assembly kicked off  with  the warm applause of company leaders and all staff . The conference was chaired by assistant general manager Li Bin. At the meeting, published the 2017 annual business outline and 2016 annual summary of the work, in recognition of the outstanding staff and collective in 2016.Finally, the general manager and the departments signed the 2017 annual performance contract.

 The achievement of yesterday has become history,let us with vigorous vitality, high spirits, fearless courage to meet the new 2017 years, let us advancewith the times, pioneering and innovative, and write tomorrow more glorious new Chapter!



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