CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Our Staff Participate in the Lean Talent Training Camp Organized by Baoan Group Co., Ltd.


From September 23rdto 25th, the firstLean Talent Certification Ceremony and Lean Talent Training Camp Organized byEnterprise Management Department was held in the Conference Hall of theheadquarters in Shenzhen. Three of the lean talents are from our company, thatis , the Vice-General Manager Liu Yan, the General Manager in Production CenterZhang Yong, the Director of Research and Development Department of SichuanGuoke Ye Jing. Ye Jing was certificated as the Yellow Belt Lean Talent and theVice-President of Baoan Group awarded her the certification.


The Lean Personnel Training lasted for a period of three days. Experts fromconsulting companies were invited to carry out the "Lean StrategyManagement and Tactical Implementation" training, and all participantswent to Lenovo’s Shenzhen factory for external benchmarking study and a visitto the production site to listen to Lenovo’s sharing of lean implementationexperience.


The training greatly expanded the horizons of the company's employees anddeepened their cognition and understanding of Lean. After they return to theirjobs, they will certainly carry out lean management practices in light of theactual conditions of the enterprises.

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