CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Green Gold Hi-Tech Hold the Exchange Meeting about the Organic Medlar Industrial Development and the Application Technology of Azadirachtin


On November 12th, the exchange meeting about theorganic medlar industrial development and the application technology ofazadirachtin was held by Green Gold Hi-Tech in Chengdu. The meeting wasattended by over 20 representatives from the planting companies, Chinese herbalplanting association, scientific research institutions and universities inSichuan, Ningxia and Qinghai.


At the conference, the development of organic Goji berry industry wasdiscussed from multiple perspectives of production, study and research. And in-depth exchanges wereconducted on topics of selection and breeding of seedlings, water andfertilizer management, plant protection technology, base management andapplication of azadirachtin technology. In addition, industry dilemma, thedirection of development, industry standards andother issues were discussed. The in-depth combination of the technology of applyingazadirachtin on Goji berry and the development of organic Goji berry industrywill play a driving role in the development and innovation of the organic Gojiberry industry.

At the conference, Green Gold (Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.,)introduced the important application of azadirachtin in the Goji berry plantingindustry and the layout and future development direction of Green Gold inorganic Goji berry industry around the development of organic Goji berryindustry.


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