CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Officers from Sichuan Agricultural Department and local institutions visit the acceptance site of Luzhou Dongyun Dam high-standard farmland construction project to inspect the work


On the morning of December 14th2017, led by DirectorZhang of Sichuan Agricultural Department, accompanied by Deputy Mayor Xiong ofLuzhou City, Director Wu and Deputy Director Zhou of the Soil and Fertilizer Divisionas well as all the local officers from thecounty agricultural departments and soil and fertilizer stations arrivedto inspect the Luzhou Dongyun Dam modem agriculture demonstration base-soil improvement project. The leaders were very satisfiedwith the work of Guoke Zhongnong and gave a good appraisal. They showed a hugeinterest in the products and technologies developed by Guoke Zhongnong and tookaway all the information booklets.



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