CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Deepen College-Enterprise Cooperation and Seek for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Development


To deepen college-enterprise cooperation and facilitate theagricultural talent training, modern apprenticeship experimental joint talenttraining contract signing ceremony between Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.and Chengdu Agricultural College was held in the company’s conference hall on November 10th.

The conference was attended by the President Huang Geng, the Vice-GeneralManager Liu Yan, the General Manager Assistant Li Bin, MarketingGeneral Manager Li Chunqin, the Deputy Director of Comprehensive ManagementDepartment Wu Xiaoling from Green Gold Hi-Tech as well as the Director of theModern Agriculture School Zhang Shixian, the General Party Branch Secretary PuXiaohui, the Director of Comprehensive Section, the Director of PlantProtection Specialty Yao Li and the Academic Section secretary Huang Chunqianfrom Chengdu Agricultural College.  


During the conference, the company made a presentation on the futuredevelopment of the agricultural industry, the demand of talents and thecompany's concept of talent cultivation for professional and technicalpersonnel and career planning for students. In view of the origin of modern apprenticeship,the future expectations of schools and students and the cooperation mode, theschool made a presentation. Finally, the two sides made a thorough discussionon deepening the school-enterprise integration and realizing the mutualdevelopment of the company and the school. At the same time, the"Apprenticeship School-Enterprise Cooperation Agreement" was signedby the company and the school.

The signing ceremony was concluded successfully, which will enable both theschool and the enterprise to further develop multi-level, multi-form andmulti-fields cooperation to achieve the organic combination and optimizedallocation of school-enterprise resources and co-cultivation, and hasfarsighted practical significance for the company's personnel training and upgrading of talent strategy planning.


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