CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

The Corporation’s Subsidiary Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology Marketing Co., Ltd. Approved as a Listed Company on the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Enterprise Board


Thesubsidiary of Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to asGreen Gold Hi-Tech or the Corp.), Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology MarketingCo., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Green Gold Marketing) received thecertification of Listed Company on the Innovative and Entrepreneurial EnterpriseBoard from Tianfu (Sichuan) United Equity Exchange Corp. Ltd. on January 12th,2018. It states, “This certification is here to approve your company to list inour center after the assessment and archival filing. Stock code: 810600. Stockshort name: Green Gold Marketing.

Approvedas a listed company on the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Enterprise Board,Green Gold Marketing has gained the advantages to broadening its financing channels, optimize its capital structure,establish a perfect corporate governance structure, perfect its stimulationmechanism, stabilize and attract talents and enhance its comprehensivecompetitive strength. As the parent company of Green Gold Marketing, the Corp.is thus able to enhance the liquidity and value of the company's assets andmaximize shareholders’ profit.


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