CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Green Gold Hi-Tech 2017 Annual Review and Commendation


Bestwishes to you all in the Year of Dog

“Green Gold Hi-Tech 2017 Annual Review andCommendation” was held in the conference room on the 31/F of TotemElegant Hotels, Chengdu on 9 February 2018.


The meeting wasunveiled at 14:00 with the warm applauseof company leaders and all staff members, where Mr. DING Chengfeng, theutive vice president of the company, comprehensively summarized the work ofthe company in 2017; president HUANG Geng, on behalf of the company’smanagement team, released the 2018Management Guidelines, which outlined the arrangement and deployment of keytasks in 2018; vice president LI Hao presented the 2017 commendation decision,commending 12 advancement employees and 4 business units and granting 8innovation awards. At the end of the meeting, the president, senior managersand all functional departments jointly signed the 2018 annual performance andassignment and incentive scheme.


The Annual Review andCommendation summarized and reviewed all work of the company in 2017, deployedthe tasks in 2018 and further unified the thoughts and ideas, vigorouslypromoting the work to a new level in 2018.

At 18:10, Green GoldHi-Tech 2018 Annual Conference was officially opened, presenting wonderful andmarvelous dinner and shows with incessant excitement. Various and interestingforms of programs, action-packed dancing, flowing and graceful Tai Chiperformance, affectionate poetry reading, humorous sketch, graceful and melodicinstrument performance, passionate chorus, etc. brought a visual feast to allstaff as well as demonstrated the positive upward vitality of Green GoldHi-Tech. In addition to the shows, exciting lucky draws, interesting and novel WeChatred packet snatching, etc. turned up the heat of the conference. Finally, alongwith the chorus of “No Pain, No Gain” led by president HUANG Geng, the GreenGold Hi-Tech 2017 Annual Review and Commendation came to a successfulconclusion.


The meeting not onlycounted the past failures and glories, but also weaved the new year's dream.The year of 2018 is destined to be an extraordinary year in the history of GreenGold Hi-Tech with numerous opportunities and challenges. We will carry on ourdream, make the best of our youth and stand together to embark on the newjourney, making a historical breakthrough and creating resplendence in 2018!


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