CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech inspected Indian PARRY and acquired exclusive distribution authorization of 40% azadirachtin technical concentrate in China


In March 10 2018, entrusted by Geng Huang the president ofChengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech, Chengfeng Ding the utive vice president, Bin Liand Gang Jiang the general manager assistant visited the PARRY in India. Thistrip enhanced the business and technical cooperation between two companies,which could make full use of the resources of both sides to achieve complementaryadvantages, resources sharing, mutual benefit and win-win.


           During the investigation, the delegation conducted strategiccooperation negotiation with Rao, the head of Asia Pacific business of PARRY Companyand finished the consultations on several issues and reached a consensus. Themain contents of the new strategic cooperation agreement and projectcooperation agreement were determined. The cooperation between two companiesupgraded into a comprehensive strategic partnership. And the exclusivedistribution authorization of 40% azadirachtin technical concentrate in Chinaby PARRY were obtained immediately.


The delegation also investigated the Bangalore factory andR&D center of PARRY in India, and met with the operating president of thePARRY and the E.D.I. group which is PARRY's parent company. The chief operatingpresident Mr. Sameer Goel and the vice operating president Mr. Srikanthan ofthe new holding company Kenuomend also attend the meeting.

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