CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Proposing a toast for celebration, feeling grateful for 2015


Chengdu Green Gold Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.held 2015 Annual Summary and Awards Ceremonyof Advanced Individuals and Collectives in the companys meeting room on January 29, 2016, and all the employees participated in the meeting. General Manager Mr. Huang issued 2016 Annual Operation Outline. Ding Chengfeng, utive Deputy General Managersummarized the work in 2015 and deployed the work in 2016 at the meeting.


General Manager Mr. Huang Issuing 2016 Annual Operation Outline   Ding Chengfeng, utive Deputy General Manager summarizingthe workin 2015.

 In the past one year, the companys performance couldnt do without the management and all the employees’cultivation and contributions. Li Hao, Deputy General Manager of the company and the Chief Engineer, read out the awards list of advanced collectives and excellent employees, and Mr. Huang, Mr. Ding and Mr. Li issued the certificates of honor. All the employees also gave the most sincere congratulations and warm applauses to advanced collectives and excellent employees.


Group photo of leaders and excellent employees

In order to define objectives and tasks in 2016 and ensure the smooth realization of the annual overall objective, a signing ceremony of performance letters of responsibility was held. General Manager Huang Geng signed 2016 Annual Performance Letter of Responsibilitywith chiefs of all the departments.


Annual Meeting was solemnly held at 18:00 p.m. on that day in Shentai Hotel, Jinjiang District, Chengdu. Leaders such as General Manager Huang Geng, Ding Chengfengandutive Deputy General Managerand all the employees attended the Annual Meeting, and shareholders Zhang Piqiang, Wu Chengkui and Zhang Liansheng were invited to attend this Annual Meeting.


General Manager Mr. Huang Making New Year's Address

The exciting "Lucky Draw" was throughout the whole annual meeting, truth interaction between company leader and employees let applauses and hurrahs ripple on the scene and participants were very happy, nervous and inspiring.


The Annual Meeting would soon end withlaughter. We shall feel grateful for the companys pay and caring in 2015 and we will be united, make greater progress, work hard and create achievements again.

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