CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise

Invited to Join 5th China International Biological Control Technology Development Forum


On March 10, Ding Chengfeng, utive Deputy General Manager participated in the 5th China International Biological Control Technology Development Forum sponsored by China International Trade Promotion Council of Chemical Industry Branch in Shanghai, and was invited to make a statement of the development and application of azadirachtin on the forum.

achtin is a botanical pesticide with most thorough research of functional mechanism and most mature industrialization in the world as well as one of recommended biological pesticides by FAO of the UN. Chengdu Green Gold Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. was the first company to get the registration of azadirachtin technical and azadirachtin 0.3% preparation in China, and took the lead in getting registration of cruciferous vegetables, tea, citrus, sorghum, tobacco and grasshoppers. Mr. Ding introduced, “Compared with other biological pesticides, the azadirachtin is not only highly efficient, but also quick-acting in protecting crops, it can effectively control the population development of pests through repelling, apastia and inhibition of development, and currently this pesticide has already passed organic input certification of a dozen of countries such as EU countries, USA and Australia. During the application, azadirachtin also has the functions of disease prevention, preservation and promoting crop growing, and it has a significant meaning on large area of regional popularization and application.

Participants emphasized on the discussion of R&D hotspot of biological pesticide market. Under the background of safe food and zero-growing of pesticides, the application of biological prevention and control technology in the pest management was more and more popular with all walks of life. The effect and environmental security of azadirachtin are beyond all doubt, and azadirachtin was reprinted and reported by several media as an important hotspot product in the Biological Control Technology Development Forum.

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