CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


Prochloraz 40% Aqueous Emulsion

Pesticide registration No. : PD20141339
Production approval No.: XK13-003-01170
Reference standard: GB22625-2008
Product name: Prochloraz
Content of active ingredient: 40%
Dosage form: aqueous emulsion

Features (purpose):

This product belongs to imidazolium fungicide, which is functioned to inhibit biosynthesis of sterols and can be used to prevent and cure anthracnose for citrus (fruit).

Application and method:

Scope of application


Dosage of active ingredient

Dilution ratio

Application method

Citrus (fruit)






Note:  (1) Pesticides dosage per ha = pesticides dosage per mu × 15

  (2) Concentration of the total active ingredient (mg/kg) = (dosage × 1,000,000) / dilution ratio of dosage

After harvest, soak the citrus fruits for 1 min and then pick them up for drying.


1. Use the product by soaking the fruit once only, and those citrus fruits having been treated shall be sold after stored for at least 15 days.

2. During applying, wear working suit and gloves, smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited.

3. Use soap to wash your hands, face and exposed skin, as well as working suit and gloves after applying the chemical.

4. The rejected empty bags shall be properly disposed and shall neither be used for other purpose nor be discarded at will.

5. For the product is poisonous to aqua animals (fish), application of this pesticides shall be far away from aquaculture areas, and neither pour the residual nor do washing for the applying and spraying equipment in the river and pond.

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