CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


Duolian Water-soluble Fertilizers with Amino Acid

Registration No.: NFZZ No. 1927
Reference standard: NY 1429-2010
Product name: Duolian water-soluble fertilizers with amino acid, the real antiseptic and anti-disease foliar fertilizer
Amino-acid ≥100g/L Cu+Fe+Mn+Zn≥20g/L


This product is originated from the Indian medicinal plant Azadirachta and natural organic raw materials, which are produced from fermentation and chelation. The product is a high-quality natural and ecological foliage fertilizer containing balanced growth factor, genetic active factor, anti-disease inducing factor, which can be rapidly absorbed by plants.


1. Spraying: dilute 600-800 times to a solution for spraying on the leaf.

2. Irrigating: dilute 300-500 times to a solution for directly irrigating.


1. Apply the product on cloudy days or after 5:00 PM on sunny days.

2. The product can be mixed with most pesticides except of alkaline pesticides.

3. Precipitation may happen in the case of long-term storage, but it will not affect the use of product. Please shake before use

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