CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


Yizhisheng Compound Microbial Agent

Reference standard: GB20287-2006
Name of effective microbial strain: bacillus megaterium, bacillus mucilaginosus and azotobacter chroococcum
Major technical parameter: effective live microbial ≥200 million/ml
MOA Registration No.: WSWFLZ (2011) No. 1328
Outcome of National 863 Project
Making ecological soil environment and safe guarding plant health


This product is a new-concept fertilizer uniquely innovated by our company - Yizhisheng microbial fertilizer that contains beneficial microorganisms i.e. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium necessary for growth of plant with imported trace element for a scientific formulation, which is called element and microbial fertilizer.

Scope of application:

This product is used for basic fertilization and topdressing for crops and fruit trees (spreading or impulsing).


Apply the product 4-8kg/mu. For basic fertilization, ditch application and hole application, spray water to keep soil wet for 7-10 days


1. Store the product in the cool and dry area, direct sun light is prohibited;

2. Immediately use after mixed with chemical fertilizers;

3. Do not use the product in combination with fungicides and pesticides.

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