CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


Compound Microbial Agent

Product Name: "Yizhisheng" Compound Microbial Agent
Executive standard: GB 20287-2006
Effective species name: Bacillus megaterium, jelly-like Bacillus, solid nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Main technical indicators: the number of effective viable bacteria ≥200 million / mL
Ministry of Agriculture registration number: microbial fertilizer (2014) quasi-word (1328).
Packing specification: 500 mL / bottle × 20 bottles / box

This product is based on a combination of beneficial microbial sciences that increase crop yield and quality. The strain originatesfrom the results of the national "863 Program" project, and workstogether by a variety of microorganisms that can form a symbiotic relationship with plant rhizomes, resist harmful microbial attack, decompose soil nutrients and secrete natural hormones to nourish plant growth.

This product is suitable for Sorghum bicolorL., Oryza sativaL., Lycopersicon esculentumMill., Brassica oleracea L., Brassica pekinensisL.,Zingiber officinaleRoscoe, Citrus reticulataBlanco, Malus domestica, Vitis viniferaL., Actinidia chinensisPlanch, Camellia sinensis, Nicotiana tabacumL. and other crops.


1. After applying this product, it must be covered in time;

2.This product shouldnot be used together with fungicides, etc., must be applied at least three days apart;

3. After opening the small package of this product, in order to avoid pollution, it is best to use itup onceyou opened it;

4. This product should be stored in a cool and dry place to avoid sun exposure.

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