CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


1% Azadiracthin

Product name: 1% Azadirachtin Water Dispersible Granule
Pesticide registration No.: PD20170766
Production approval No.: Pesticide Sheng Xu (Chuan) 0037
Product standard code: Q/72035240-XN·6-2016
Specification: 10 g / bag

This product is a plant-derived insecticide that has anti-feeding, repelling and inhibiting the growth and development of insects.

Application and Method

Crop (or Scope)


Pesticide Dosage


Preparation Dosage

Active Ingredient Dosage

Brassica oleraceaL.

Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)

40-60 g / mu

6-9 g / hm2



1. This product should not be mixed with alkaline pesticides, alkaline fertilizers and alkaline water.

2. Wear protective clothing and gloves when using this product;avoid inhaling the liquid medicine;do not eat or drink during the application;wash hands and wash your face after applying.

3. The used applicator should be cleaned.And it is forbidden to clean the applicator and dump the waste in water bodies such as rivers and ponds.

4. Used waste should be stored properly; do not be for other purposesand discarded at will.

5. In order to avoid resistance, insecticides that are different from other mechanisms of action can be rotated.

6. Pregnant women and lactating women avoid contact.

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