CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


100 Billion Spores / g Bacillus Subtilis

Product name: 100 Million Spores / g Bacillus Subtilis Water Power
Pesticide registration No.: PD20172331
Production approval No.: Pesticide Sheng Xu (Chuan) 0037
Product standard code: Q/9151018372035240XN·8-2017

This product is a microbial preparation, which is a way of occupying a living space by competitive growth and reproduction. It can quickly form a high-density protective film on the surface of the plant, so that the pathogen cannot get a living space, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of the pathogen Ernst.

Application and method

Crop (or Scope)


Preparation Dosage




25-30 mL / mu



Sheath Blight

60-80 mL /mu

1. This product should be applied at the early stage of rice blast disease. It should be applied by foliar application once every 7-10 days, and sprayed continuously for 2~3 times.

2. Shake well, spray by the wind and spray evenly.

3. Do not apply the medicine during the windy days or if it is expected to rain within 6 hours.

4. It is appraciateto apply medicine on cloudy or evening days.

1. This product should not be mixed with alkaline pesticides, alkaline fertilizers and alkaline water.

2. Wear protective clothing, gloves and masks when using this product, avoid inhaling the liquid medicine, do not eat or drink during the application, wash hands and face in time after application.

3. The used applicator should be cleaned. It is forbidden to clean the applicator in the water body such as river pond, dump the waste, and the fish or crab cover rice field is forbidden. The applied water should not be discharged directly into the water body.

4. The use of this product should be kept away from the aquaculture area, and the vicinity of the silkworm and mulberry gardens should be banned to avoid the application of the crop at the flowering stage.

5. The used waste should be kept properly; do not be used for other purposes and discarded at will.

6. Pregnant women and lactating women avoid contact.

7. Pesticide packaging waste should be promptly returned to the pesticide operator.

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