CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


Beta-cypermethrin and Emamectin Benzoate 5% Microemulsion

Pesticide registration No. : PD20131157
Production approval No.: HNP51119-A7956
Product standard code: Q /72035240-X·4-2014
Product name: Beta-cypermethrin and emamectin benzoate
Total content of active ingredient: 5%
Beta-cypermethrin content: 4.5%
Emamectin benzoate content: 0.5%
Dosage form: microemulsion

Features (purpose):

This product is formed by a combination of pyrethroid pesticide and botanic insecticides  possessing contact and stomach action properties,  which can effectively prevent and cure the asparagus caterpillar damage for cabbage.

Application and method:

Crop (or scope)


Pesticides dosage



Asparagus caterpillar




Other instructions:

1. Apply the pesticide during incubating period and early instar larvae of asparagus caterpillar, and as the case of insect damage apply the product safely 14 days from harvest and at most 1 time per season.

2. Shake up the pesticide before applying and evenly spray the pesticide downwind. 3. Do not apply the pesticide during high wind or there should be raining in 2 hours.

1. The pesticide is poisonous to aquatic animals (fish), bees and silkworms, so in order to avoid impact to surrounding bee colonies during applying, do not apply the pesticides during florescence of nectariferous plants and around silkworm nurseries and mulberry fields, as well as active area of natural predators such as Trichogramma. Applying pesticides shall be far away from aquaculture areas and river and pond, and do not wash the applying and spraying equipment in the river and pond.

2. Do not mix the pesticide with alkaline agrochemicals.

3. When using the product, wear personal protection suite and gloves to avoid intaking the pesticides. During applying the pesticide, do not eat and drink. After applying, immediately wash your hands and face.

4. In order to avoid insects having resistance to pesticide, pesticides with different action mechanisms can be used in rotation.

5. Avoid pregnant women and lactating women contacting the product.

6. The product can be safely applied on cabbage 14 days from harvest and at most 1 time per season.

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