CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


Azadirachtin 0.3% Emulsifiable Concentrate

Pesticide registration No.: PD20101580
Production approval No.: HNP51119-A1994
Product standard code: Q/72035240-X·1-2015
Product name: Azadirachtin 0.3% emulsifiable concentrate

This product is a kind of botanic pesticide possessing antifeedant, repellant and growth inhibition properties to insects.

1. Do not mix the product with alkaline agrochemicals and water.

2. Apply the pesticide during incubating period and early instar larvae, and as the case of pest conditions apply the product every 7-10 days.

3. Shake up the pesticide before applying and evenly spray the pesticide downwind.

4. Do not apply the pesticide during high wind or there should be raining in 6 hours.

5. It should be better to apply the pesticide during cloudy day or at nightfall.

Term of validity: 2 years

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