CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


“Yizhisheng”Garden fertilizer for flowers

Product name:
Pesticide registration No.:
Performance standards:
Technological requirements: N≥11%,P2O5≥40%,K2O≥11%,MgO≥1%
Packing specifications: 8×50 bags/ box


This product is a soluble fertilizer with high concentration, no toxicity or residue, reasonable proportion, and it is easily absorbed, which can guarantee that plants will healthily grow.

Use range:

Useful for all indoor and outdoor plants.

Methods and usage:

Mix 10g of this product with 8L water to irrigate plants


1.Avoid spraying this product on plants in high temperature.

2.When opened, please store it in a dry, ventilated and cool place.

3.Keep away from children and animals.

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