CHINA BAOAN GROUP CO., LTD. Its enterprise


“Yizhisheng” implantation medium

Product name:
Packing specifications: 5 L/ bag


This product, coconut tree branny, has high water holding capacity, air permeability and rich in organic substances, which can effectively increase the disease resistance and resistance against disadvantage circumstance that help plants grow. The PH of this product is controlled within a reasonable range, and the soluble salt content is limited in a low level, guaranteeing healthy growth of the plant without hampering fertilizer effectiveness and absorbability by the plant. This produce is a pollution-free medium without weed, insect eggs or detrimental microorganisms.

Use range:

Vegetables and flowers

Methods and usage:

Fill this product in pots to the 1/3 to 2/3 properly as medium


1.Before transplanting, remove any damaged or wilted leaves. if the root rots, clean it up in time and apply pesticides to it.

2.The plan should be implanted at a proper depth, which all roots can be just covered by the soil. Too superficial does not fix the plant well while too deep would suffocate and decay the roots.

3.Water the plant in time after implantation then maintain growth routinely.

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